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Showing posts from August, 2020

What dangers lurk in the Dark Continent?

What horrors lurk in the uncharted depths of Imagiafrica? Strange creatures, that can only be described as "supernatural" in nature, stalk through the night. Where do they come from? Few know, and fewer survive encounters to learn more.   Mummies! Marching from the deserts of the North, these ancient monsters shamble forth to reclaim what was once the mighty Egyptian Empire!   Zoinks! G-g-g-ghosts! Restless spirits that haunt the spaces they were killed, scaring away interlopers with mournful cries.  And perhaps the most terrifying of all; Morris Dancers! Once normal men, these strange, sad creatures that announce their coming with jingling bells. Don't get too close, or you may find yourself unable to escape! Naturally, these figures are just for a bit of fun and won't be taking part in too many games, the Mummies and Ghosts I got for free from work and just happened to be 20mm.