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Showing posts from September, 2021

ABHI Sends Aircraft Into Neighbouring Air Defence Zone


Powered Kites in the Ahmnesia Strait


Bush Wars in the Jet Age

  Guidelines for Bush Wars in the Jet Age These guidelines are to help develop game scenarios that are fun for everyone. If you want to field wildly superior aircraft to take on an opponent’s plane that was developed in the 1940s then the performance inequity between the two should be balanced by other means. Imaginafrican (IA) nations can support more aircraft, and models that are marginally more advanced, than what actually occurred in this world, but not by a lot. Advanced aircraft can be kept flying by foreign advisers and technicians, but at the cost of your sovereignty (hey, those great and super powers aren’t going to invest their personnel in your tin-pot nation for nothing) Aircraft can be chosen from a given national vendor (Soviet, British, French, Chinese, some other Europeans) if they were developed before by the 1960s. US aircraft can be sourced if they were developed in the 1950s or earlier. The US is recovering from its wounds in other foreign involvements and i

National Security Risks Around Ice Cream Highlighted in Ahmnesian Report